Croatian made COVID journal

I’ve had this domain for years and this is me trying to “rebrand” it rather than delete it altogether. Since COVID hit I think many people in mental health community got hit twice as hard so this will, for now, be my COVID journal.

Living in Croatia as it is isn’t something marvelous so toping it with global pandemic, lost of employment and other shit – it could put some things in perspective. Specially in these days when Croatia is mentioned in news either as a “great example” or “red zone”. I disagree with both but it’s never Croatian people that are asked about reality of living here.

I don’t plan on complaining too much but there is more bad than good to the point it isn’t even a competition. Good could get a participation trophy for like showing up few times in past few months. Beside that, life in this beautiful sea side vacation heaven is hard. Having some sort of mental illness is hard. Combine those things and you won’t get your happily ever after if you personally don’t put time, energy, effort and many many tears into shear trying. That’s all you can do – try. And pick yourself back up when you fail because success is word only few can say without lying.

I think this is enough rambling for this intro-esq post. I’m working on my book and having a place to share all my spare thoughts will be a nice change. I also plan on writing about other things beside COVID of course, but I dislike ignoring elephant in the room so for foreseeable future, I’m going to write about him as well.

Stay safe, wear a goddamn mask and stay healthy!

This too shall pass.

someone? or… Bible? whatever, it doesn’t matter who said it, only thing that matter is what has been said!